On the authority of Faatimah رضي الله عنها: The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said to me:
"Verily, you will be the first of my family to join me, and what a blessed Salaf I am for you."
- Sahih Muslim #2450
Al-Hasan Al-Basri (d.110H) said:
"If a man witnessed the first Salaf, then was resurrected today, he would not recognise anything from Al-Islaam..."
- Al-I'tisaam of Ash-Shaatibee 1/22
Maymoon bin Mihraan (d.117H) said:
"If a man from the Salaf was resurrected amongst you, he would not recognise anything other than [the direction of] this Qiblah."
- Al-I'tisaam of Ash-Shaatibee 1/23
Al-Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee (d.157H) said:
"Upon you is the narrations of the Salaf even if the people reject you, and beware of the opinions of men even if they beautify it for you with speech."
- Ash-Sharee'ah of Al-Aajurri no. 127, pg. 61
He (Al-Imaam Al-Awzaa’ee) also said:
"Be patient upon the Sunnah, and stop where the people stopped, and say what they said, and abstain from what they abstained from, and traverse upon the path of your righteous Salaf, for whatever sufficed them will suffice you."
- Sharh Usool Al-I'tiqaad Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah of Al-Laalikaa'ee 1/154
Al-Imaam Al-Bukhari (d.256H) has a chapter heading in his Saheeh, within the book about food (Book 70, Chapter 27):
"The Chapter concerning what the Salaf would
store in their houses and on journeys, from food and meat and other than it."