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Refuting the Doubt: A Scholar's Mistake Cannot be Refuted Except by a Scholar Like Him


Some of the callers, mention that the scholar's mistake cannot be refuted except by a scholar like him. And that is because the one that is lesser than him can possibly criticize a statement of a scholar and it could be categorised into [the famous proverb] "How many fault a correct statement, and their mishap is from having a weak understanding."

Sheikh Saalih Al-Fawzaan حفظه الله تعالى:

I’ve answered this before. I said whenever there is a person with knowledge, and he knows how to refute, and he’s determined the mistake and how it should be refuted, and he knows the methodology of refuting also; that it to be done with wisdom and thoughtfulness and presented well. Then there is no problem in that (i.e. refuting the mistake).

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